We had a slight mix-up with the luggage and I was forced to dine in this special attire :) Not a stitch of pride in this old gal' (I would like to note that I'm also humble enough to post this awful image - completely un-photoshopped of course, can't be cheating as we enter the last stretch of largeness. I liked the angle...it hides the belly well dontcha think???)
I've found that with the warmer weather, my kids have been much MUCH dirtier. This has forced nightly baths in our house, something that brings me great distress (not that I mind bathing...just don't like taking the time to do it! - I know gross...whatever). This past week I've had several sessions (all of which I'm behind on blogging of course), my almost 3 year old is still wearing underwear - weird, not quite used to that - and the fact that he just did it by himself--even weirder, and a slew of babysitters, for which I am grateful. They come around 4:30pm when its the awful time of day and I get to walk out of the house for 2 hours - make people smile - and they get to play with the kids - like I said... grateful :)
Laina went with Matt on a little Daddy-daughter campout last night and the boys and I had a date night "in". Indy had originally wanted to go to Freedom Station, but we wouldn't have been able to go until around 7pm, so when we went to the store and he started asking for all this junk food I told him we could get ALL the junk food and movies he wanted if we could stay home :) He took the bait and started loading the cart up. It was gross...disgusting...but was such a relief to think that I had just avoided an evening of awful chaos surrounded by loud crazy video games and kids...yippee! Laina waited in the car for 45 minutes while her dad packed up for the campout...just eating popcorn and chilling...and holding on to her princess flashlight. We have learned that if you try to show up to the campout withOUT a flashlight...you might as well go home...its like showing up naked. Its all about the flashlight. She was very very excited and her dad is a very very good sport - all he needs is a fried chicken dinner and coleslaw and some donuts in the morning and he's good.
Speaking of Laina and her father - he decided to help her find some socks yesterday for school (trying to integrate himself back into home life :) She walked out like this and I burst out laughing (still laughing - full belly laughing-as I write)...I tried to choke the laughter down so as not to hurt her feelings, but then Indy rounded the corner and started laughing too! He looked at me and we both tried to compose ourselves, but it was to no avail...I told Laina to stand there while I grabbed my camera (I think Matt was channeling the Lollipop Guild while searching for some socks:
I ended up finding our Egg dying pictures and thought I'd better throw them up since everyone cooperated and we didn't spill one cup of dye this year! Note there's only like 9 eggs!
My dad just sent me the following video link (Cristin this is for you :) I have not been to this station, but I was in Amsterdam's and that's close enough for me. I will also note that this will be going on the labor pains ipod playlist (more on that later - no time to talk maternity/labor plans now) - and yes I will forgive the Macarena portion...I'm in a giving mood this morning.
Sound of Music
Megan, that video is the coolest thing I have seen in forever! I want to know all about it. How did all those people learn it? Was it practiced and posed? How can I send it to other people?? Wouldn't that just be the greatest thing to bring a bunch of people together? Thank you for sending it!!
Love, your M-I-L
oh the socks gave me a good belly laugh too, and yes nice angle on the belly picture, you look great!
ok the socks are hilarious. What is with men & dressing kids?... Always calls for a good laugh. And btw you do not even look pregnant! I was watching old Flagstaff home videos yesterday and thought of you when indy and spence would play. Now we're on our 4th's!.....wow time flies.
I waited the 3 hours...once...the pizza was good, real good actually...but someone else picked up the tab, making it even better...but was it worth the 3 hour wait? I haven't decided yet. After all...it's just pizza...right?
Thank for that video. You know, if I had the means and the skills, I would choreograph things like that all around the world. All in the name of Georg Von Trapp.
I also really liked the picture of you in those sweats. Nice. You are a good sport. Then again, maybe you packed that way on purpose. Being pregnant is uncomfortable. Sweats make it somewhat bearable.
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