Memorial weekend camping. Rained out. 2 years in a row. Matt was thrilled - it seems that camping leaves a really really bad taste in his mouth...Laina and I were totally depressed. Saturday of course turned out to be a beautiful day and we were able to see a movie - with ALL the kids. Rare. Matt also decided he needed to do some yard work. Here's what I came home to find:
Upon closer inspection, you will see that he is trimming the edges with scissors. No - this is not a joke. This IS similar to when I found him shop-vac'ing all the leaves out of the rocks.
The lawnmower and edger wouldn't start. So did he let that stop him? NO.
Sunday we traveled north to Flagstaff to celebrate Matt's brother Phil's 40th birthday. We had a good time and the kids had some serious cousin playing time. Matt got a massive bouncy house, but stopped himself from getting the dunk tank - it was 60 degrees.
We headed home Monday, did some laundry and left Tuesday for Vegas. Matt had a conference and the kids and I were able to stay with his sister and have the use of her backyard pool. I took the kids to the Children's Museum in downtown Vegas - MOTHER OF THE YEAR #5-b! I didn't plan on actually having to play with the kids - just thought I could find a chair and pass out it in while they ran around. But no - I was there reading the displays and explaining what the interactive exhibits were. The kids loved it. McLaren loved the stage and was the best dancer there - Laina was too shy to shake her stuff. Indy loved playing with the virtual sports game and was hit in the head by many soccer balls and hocky pucks. Laina loved making huge bubbles.
We headed home Thursday night and are parting ways again this morning. Indy and Mac will be camping at the Father's and Sons outing and Laina and I will be headed to Phoenix for a Girls Weekend with my mom and sister. A lot of traveling, I know, but c'mon we're ending up at a spa/shopping weekend in Phoenix. I think it's totally worth it to pack the!
Notice the lack of images from all of these wonderful happenings....I'm too fat and lazy right now to haul my camera out - there were so many cool things at the Childrens Museum that I wished for my camera - oh well...I'll make it up later :) How about some great images of me in my bathing suit this weekend 8.5 months prego??
I'll have to show those pictures of Matt using the scissors to Erik. Our weed wacker needs something to work and so that is Erik's excuse for not doing the yard. Look at Matt, nothing will stop him!
wait a second... perhaps Matt is not as peculiar as he seems. First off, taking the shopvac to the rocks is a stroke of genius remove and dispose with a minimum of effort. Personally I would have sprayed lighter fluid all over the leaves and rocks and lit them on fire; then spray the ashes off with a hose.
Matt's use of scissors to trim the grass is obviously a result of him having heard the stock Primary/Priesthood story of "The 5 dollar job". This is not so much a quirk, but another step in pursuit of that elusive "5 dollar job".
Hilarious! We actually had some manual hand trimmers at our house growing up. My brothers and I would fight over who got to use the one pair of electric hand grass clippers. I do remeber the summer that Matt got a monster gas powered weed whacker and he went out to a field near his house to carve his name in the 3 foot tall grass.
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