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Family. Fotos. Food. Friends. Fun.

never a dull moment. ever.


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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Over the river & through the snow...

To her grandchildren's house she goes. I'm so glad that Grandma Kathy came to our house - even if she wouldn't stay LONGER...and that she missed the HUGE snowstorm that hit 2 days later. (Just a side note to all the little cars saving the environment - stuck on the hills...flash your lights twice as I plow by with my gas-guzzling SUV and I'll give you a tow! See-we can all help eachother out :)

Anyway - back to Grandma and her 1st annual Grandma's Workshop. (Really it was more like a desperate plea to come and help me do the one thing I despise - - DECORATING. Ugh . Ugh. Ugh. I had to do some seriously deep breathing as I watched her decorate my house!)

So Grandma & her little sister came and baked cinnamon ornaments and made snowmen cookies with the kids. They had a great time. And yes, I caught them doing a little side-decorating at the stove - Naughty!!


kristin said...

Dude. What happened to Mac's eye?

Cristin said...

Your Mom is such a classy lady. She always looks so good in the pictures!

The Melo's said...

I was going to ask the same thing as Kristin, what happened?

Wendy said...

I am so glad that you get together often with your mom, she is the best! Send her my love!