I must give a quick photo warning/disclaimer here. These images are purely documentary - no real "eye-candy" here. When traveling to the beach with four young children in tow (packing up the car, driving 15 minutes to get there, fighting to find parking, unloading the car, watching the children that can move run off before they can haul anything with them and the children that can't walk, sit there waiting to be chair-lifted to their destination - and when you finally make it to your destination you realize that you just drove for 15 minutes and walked 1/2 a mile only to have forgotten ALL your towels) It is quite the experience. This experience is not conducive to cameras. Therefore, the camera was pulled out for 5 minutes (no more...no less) - documentation done and then put away. I just lacked the energy (no idea why?!#$%) to be creative...so without further adieu...
(**Side note...the beach is really really cold...even when there's an excessive heat wave inland...its still cold...you must therefore pack 2 sets of clothes - one for cold and one for hot) and bring 20 towels...'cause wet towels and cold wet kids don't mix.
Yes, Matt is actually making motor noises with his mouth as he drives the trucks over and around his dirt tracks - occasionally he'll let Mac and Indy drive a car on them too...
Laina could not be coaxed OUT of the water. One day we were all standing around waiting to leave and trying to get her to come OUT of the water.
We had our friends the Behns there to witness most of our craziness...and to love and play with our kids :)
The only image I did NOT get and wish I had was of Matt and his beloved new DROID X. He went to 4 different stores the morning it debuted and finally walked out with one. We sang "I love technology" all day long in its honor. He has officially been dubbed the family vacation historian and videographer now (although I intend to delete the megan diving board footage) and had to wear a diaper from peeing his pants with glee all day long.
On his older brother's birthday they listed all the cars he had owned up to that point (it was impressive and there wasn't a normal one among the bunch)...for Matt's 40th we will be listing all of his handheld technology devices...starting with the original palm pilot.
Ive witnessed the phenomena of Matt on the beach with his toy cars. I remember in Carlsbad, Matt "vrooming" with hotwheels on his sand track while Indy, watching remarked "come on dad, lets go boogie boarding." And Matt replying, "Just one minute, I need to finish making this totally awesome ramp first.....vroom." Never will forget that one.
Megan, you are so fun! The beach for a family vacation is the only way to go! For years our family hopped in the car and headed west to Mission Beach-oh the moments and memories! **A little hint for next year, take a teenager with you. Sabra came with us to various family outtings and she was such a pleasure and asset to our family!** Hugs!
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