My brother-in-law is a gifted athlete. My little brother and he like to bet each other on a lot of things. Matt got in the mix of it and the next thing I know is- we're all racing a 400 meter race. We were sure that Timmy did NOT have it in him. Of course NONE of us are runners. So you can see just how insane this was. We just wanted to take our Del Taco chili-cheese fries - twinkie loving brother-in-law down, and if meant we had to go down be it. I mean genetics can only go so far right?
Tia thought it would be a great idea to video the race - I haven't watched it yet - I just remember as I was severely suckin' wind on the final curve - that I better wipe the extreme pained look off my face 'cause my mother was filming this. Maybe we'll put it on youtube someday...maybe.
1. Tim (the Twinkie)
2. Jace (he gave up - gonna have to talk to him about chasin' the dragon)
3. Matt (inspired to train for next summer)
4. Megan (huffin and puffin and hurtin)
5. Tia (slow and steady)
Now Timmy was hurtin after this, but Matt and Jace felt like they had more in them and saw Tim growing weak. They decided to go in for the kill. A 60 yard dash was the FINAL race. Tim hesitated but knew he couldn't opt out. It was close...Jace almost had him, but as the DNA would have it the twinkie lovin' man won AGAIN. However, with that crazy race Tim was officially out. We're talking the kind you want to go and barf all over the side of the track OUT. While the rest of us we're hangin' out laughing and recovering Timmy was barely moving in a far corner of the track. Matt and Jace took note of this and an official annual race was declared. Next year - he'd better watch out.
Oh it is on! Jace always tells me how he can kick my butt at any sports but if he can't even sprint once around the track...I think I have a chance!!
Oh my! I this post.
It was supposed to say "I heart this post" with a heart. So much for cuteness. :(
oh that was so great thanks for documenting this, i especially love the kids pic and all their faces with Bree in the background attacking ella that made laugh hard!
MORE FUN transpires on a track than anywhere else in the world. Well. Mostly.
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