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Family. Fotos. Food. Friends. Fun.

never a dull moment. ever.


HOLIDAY Sessions are Full. Taking appointments for February 2013.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Matt: Hey Indy...I will ONLY get you that catcher's outfit if you:
1) Go take a freezing cold bath
2) throw your boxers on
3) Go stand outside at dusk on the coldest day of the ENTIRE year!!

Indy: Okay.

Megan: ugh-Really??!! (then grabs camera and hastily takes a picture of the poor boy who will surely turn out to be a gambling daredevil)!


Tia said...

dude not to try to up this but we do have video tape of carter naked laying in the snow... Im just saying

Wade said...

I practiced marching for band in the frost on the football field - barefoot - many mornings at Tempe High School.

Lynda Holdsworth said...

Matt are you trying to reduce the size of your family by one???? I hope Child Protective Services doesn't hear about this! You are MEAN!
From Indy's grandmother.

kristin said...

Grant would have TOTALLY taken that dare...