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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Oh how I DESPISE soccer socks

Or any other athletic sock. In fact I really don't care for uniforms in general, unless they come in double. My parents gave Indy his Cub Scout uniform for his birthday and it came with 2 of everything...I never have stress on Cub Scout day because I know we won't be turning the house upside down looking for ONE sock.
Soccer on the other hand - we had one game...that was game where we had a complete uniform. I have no idea what happened between the field and the laundry, but only ONE sock made it out. Talk about a nightmare. AND of course we can't just have all the kids in black we had to get bright yellow. So I combed the city to buy every pair of bright yellow soccer socks - I found 2. Then I bought some black ones. I can rest better at night.

Indy got to play against his buddy Justin's team...Justin's team was really really good.
We'd like to forget that this particular match ever happened...but the shot I got of the both of them showed Indy working hard...and then of course he needed some powerade.

Babies and licorice DO NOT mix.

1 comment:

AudyCamp said...

Uh..if only our grass was that green right pretty. Those kiddos of yours are so cute!