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Family. Fotos. Food. Friends. Fun.

never a dull moment. ever.


HOLIDAY Sessions are Full. Taking appointments for February 2013.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Hairy is Scary...Bald is Better

At least that's what "J" tells all of his little brothers. This shoot was for his mom - and its either really late (okay it is) and I'm really tired...or this is the 3rd time in the last hour and a half of editing this session, that my eyes have welled up with tears. We had a great time...busting some homey gangsta' actions (even though we debated if it was gangsta' or more like a grandpa fishin' - but who's judging?) And being around this family (actually being around his mom anytime) brightened MY day. When she looks at you after unhooking his peg-line (feeding tube to stomach) before we start shooting and says, "man...if only I could feed all my kids this way! Here guys...let me hook ya' in...okay you're done...go play! Life would be so much easier".

There I'm smiling again. And despite everything this kid has been through (and his family) they are still able to smile.


AudyCamp said...

these pics are very did great!

Tia said...

Wow you didn't tell me about this one!