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Family. Fotos. Food. Friends. Fun.

never a dull moment. ever.


HOLIDAY Sessions are Full. Taking appointments for February 2013.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Big Mac

My 6-6-6 baby turned 3, and I have completely forgotten just how important the 3 year old birthday is. He's been waiting for this day for about 6 months. Anything that he has spotted in the last 6 months on tv or at the store, he'll turn to me and say, "I get this for my birthday."

He woke up and after browsing his brief (but adorable in a benjamin button sort-of-way) life in pictures:
(Is it sad that I remember my children based on the pictures I love of them??)

One of my all-time favorite sits on my nightstand...

I love my kids in my bed in the morning light.

He immediately wanted to open presents. Good thing there was no real schedule for his birthday (a VERY good idea for a 3 year old :) and so we openend presents at 8am in the morning. He was overjoyed ripping through the paper--with such focus and determination. We had cake at lunch (he requested a spidey cake - beware of black stains) I need to interject that seeing the cake pictures and writing about it, reminded me that there was still 2 slices even though I ate everyone's leftovers at lunch...YES I did walk in an eat another small piece for breakfast--how could I resist?? It was raspberry filled - MY favorite...thank you McLaren for letting me pick my favorite cake.

It was hard to get a picture of him with the cake because he kept jumping up and down on the chair.

Some balloons showed up later in hopes of extending the party as much as possible.

Happy birthday RASCAL!


Cristin said...

Luke is looking at these pictures saying, "That's me! It's my birthday! It's mine!!!" He has been the same way. All he talks about is his upcoming birthday. It's getting so bad that I almost wished I hadn't mentioned to him that it was coming up.

rabidrunner said...

I wish I had a cool birthday like that... my sister as a 03-04-05, but 06-06-06 is better!

I am worried that your birthing year might limit the photos you share. I realize it's not about me, but I get so danged excited when I see the blogger has something new from you!

Good luck in the coming weeks!

collette said...

What a cutie!!! As soon as I saw the first newborn pictures it almost made me want to have another one.....almost. He's adorable and happy birthday to all of the Holdsworths born in June. Who does that leave out? Anyone?

Lynda Holdsworth said...

Can't believe our darling Mackie is 3 years old already. When we were on the mission in SLC, he made his first visit at 2 weeks old. It was instant love for Grammy. He's only gotten cuter since then. Love you always, Mackie - From Grammy H.

Sabra said...

I love the image of Matt holding his clone. Very sweet photo.

DRN said...

ooooh Laina's hair is so... flaxen